Tabatha Hill

Care Bears Collection

One section of wall in room of Care Bears

Start of my Collection 

Here is a bit of history on it. How did it start? I started with my original 1983 Love-A-Lot bear that I had as a baby. Then one day back in 2002 I wandered down the toy section at Walmart and saw they had Care Bears. After that, I started something I didn’t realize how big it would get or how many times it would save me. 

At the start of 02, I brought anything and everything I could find. Within 6 months I had a total of 55 plushies and that was the start of the Care Bears Christmas tradition for me.

What is a Care Bears Christmas? So, every year the only thing I get is Care Bears. It saves the hassle of always being asked what I wanted. so, for the last 18 years, that’s what my mom, friends, and dating partners get me. But at the start, there were a lot of Care Bears items out.

As time has gone on the Care Bears have moved from being found in stores to being found on Amazon and eBay. These places have been my friends through the years. They have allowed me to find rare items and pieces from other countries I wouldn’t have otherwise known about and get past items I missed out on during the original release. 

My Collection now

When I started in 2002 I had 55 plushies that could fit on the desk and floor of my study loft bed. Now 18 years later my collection is large enough that it takes up the master bedroom. Which is including the closet, walls, ceiling, and spots on the floor. As well as 25 storage bins that are 50 gallons and 20 boxes of various sizes between the attic and the basement of my mom’s house.


To give you an idea of how large it is, I’ll break down some of the categories. I have more than just what is listed below obviously.

*Will be updated periodically

Vintage (80-89)

Environmental (90-99)

20th Anniversary (01-04)

New Style (02-07)

Celebration (04-07)

25th Anniversary (08)

Adventures in Care-A-Lot (07-08)

30th Anniversary/ Hasbro (12)

Welcome to Care-A-Lot (14-19)

Care Bears and Cousins (16-18)

35th Anniversary (17)

Unlock the Magic (19-Current)

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